March 08, 2010

Waking up is not so hard to do…

So I woke up this morning, and I’m lying in bed, letting the local PBS station play it’s soothing wake-up call. I listen to it at night, helps me fall asleep. 

The song finishes, and the announcer comes on, plugging the “Sonic ID” clips they play throughout the day, with sounds of nature, or of cars passing on the streets, or children playing, what have you. 

He mentions that they would like more ideas for these to draw more attention to the station.  Okay, that’s fine, it’s just going to get more people for pledge drives, anyway.

Then he mentions that PBS is expanding their variety within their programming, at which point he says, “For example, this afternoon on Fresh Aire, they are broadcasting an interview with a professional dominatrix.”

Okay, I’m awake now. What? Am I hearing things? Did you just say that they’ve interviewed a professional dominatrix? Wow. I’d have figured they’d leave that to the morning talk show on the alternative station. 


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